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43.9 F
February 12, 2025

County working on future plans for Nacimiento and San Antonio lakes

LOCKWOOD — Monterey County Resource Management Agency is working on developing future plans for Nacimiento and San Antonio lakes and presented the proposals March 21 in Lockwood.

The Resource Management Agency (RMA) wants Lake Nacimiento’s focus to be on user experience, with a business center and resort. The idea is to make the lake a destination for locals up and down the state.

Lake San Antonio is going to be staffed by the County and supported by the general fund. The agency is anticipating both lakes to take three to five years to see a turnaround due to the heavy deficiency in the infrastructure. The focus for Lake San Antonio will also be on user experience and managing the property.

RMA is working on the business plan for both lakes, including the history of the area, capital improvement expenditures, staffing, maintenance and financial analysis of the two facilities.

The strategic plans for both lakes are to make them sustainable and self-sufficient to ensure that revenues coming in will be able to maintain the properties. The agency is aiming to provide quality recreational services to the community.

“We’ve listened to what you’ve asked for the last time you were here,” said Neville Pereira, RMA director of public works and facilities. “We’ve taken all your input. We’ve looked to see what’s reasonable, what’s possible and what’s nice to have.”

The ideas have been broken down into categories: recreational and leisure activities, sporting activities and special events.

“What we’ve decided to do is pair down the focus, at least of the (Lake San Antonio) South Shore, to enhance the campgrounds that are out there, the facilities there, to provide a really quality experience so they want to come back time after time,” Pereira said.

A draft Operations/Business Plan for Lake San Antonio and Lake Nacimiento is now available online for public review. The plan includes transitioning management at Lake San Antonio to Monterey County, while Lake Nacimiento would continue to operate under a third-party agreement.

A link to the plan and how to send comments can be found at

The Monterey County Board of Supervisors will review the plan on Tuesday, April 23.

