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55.3 F
March 17, 2025

Sun Street Centers to open substance abuse facility in King City

SOUTH COUNTY — Substance abuse services, housing, a Residential Treatment Center and outpatient services are coming to King City and South County residents, thanks to a grant from Prop 47 funds.

Sun Street Centers recently received two grants, including one from the Monterey County Behavioral Health called “No Zipcode Left Behind,” which went to the State Board of Community Corrections who granted Monterey County $6 million over three years to start up a variety of services in South County.

“The substance abuse services are going to us, Sun Street Centers,” said CEO Anna Foglia. “We’ve been working for 50 years in substance abuse this January.”

The Monterey County Behavioral Health Substance Abuse contract with Sun Street Centers is for $1.2 million for three years to start up these new services.

“The second grant was completely unexpected and amazing,” Foglia said.

Central California Alliance For Health (CCAH) receives funds from Medi-Cal for buildings and support services for new programs. CCAH gave Sun Street Centers funds to purchase the property in King City at Broadway and Mildred streets. According to Foglia, the second grant from CCAH is for $1.4 million.

“There will be 10 beds for men and 10 beds for women at the Residential Treatment Facility,” said Clinical Director of Recovery Services for South County Bob Brunson. “We’ll be able to serve them in their own neighborhood, which is really important to keep people connected to their own community, to their own families.”

One of the five buildings will serve Transitional Sober Living Environment (TSLE), which are apartments for people who are ready to step out of the Residential Treatment Facility but don’t have anywhere yet to stay. There will be two apartments for two people or two families.

The facility is also aiming to include outpatient services, such as counseling. According to Brunson, the Outpatient Building has a goal of providing individual counseling, group counseling, AA counseling and more. It is expected to be complete by July 1.

“Prop 47 grant includes five partners that we will be working with,” Brunson said. “They will also have offices here to help with the services we are talking about.”

Partners for the Sun Street Centers facility include California Rural Legal Assistance, Public Defender, Turning Point, MILPA and Monterey County Behavioral Health.

Prop 47 was passed in November 2014 regarding non-violent, non-serious crimes to be reduced to misdemeanors.

The Prop stated that as jail population numbers fell, estimated state savings grew by millions.

According to the Board of State and Community Corrections website, Monterey County will establish two new service sites in King City to provide substance use disorder treatment to a minimum of 100 individuals yearly.

Along with the King City location, the grant will also fund a centrally located Sobering Center in Salinas with job training, civil legal services, restorative justice and case management.

