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57.5 F
March 16, 2025

Miss Salinas Valley Fair competition kicks off Friday

Photo by Alex Arce
Miss Salinas Valley Fair 2018 contestants (from left) Angelina Gortarez, Teagan Soares and Angelita Cisneros-Aguilar

SOUTH COUNTY — Three young women will compete for the Miss Salinas Valley Fair crown beginning Friday, March 16, and concluding Saturday, March 17, in King City.

The competition will take place at the fairgrounds’ Rava Equestrian Arena on Friday and in the Orradre Building on Saturday. The winner will reign over the Salinas Valley Fair Kick-Off event April 28, and during the annual fair set for May 17-20 in King City.

The three contestants are Angelita Cisneros-Aguilar, Angelina Gortarez and Teagan Soares.

Cisneros-Aguilar, 17, a senior at Soledad High School, is the daughter of Miguel Cisneros and Maria Aide Aguilar. She is a member of the Soledad FFA Chapter, where she has raised both market sheep and market swine for show at the Salinas Valley Fair and San Benito County Fair.

In addition to raising and showing livestock, Cisneros-Aguilar is a member of her chapter Vegetable Judging Team, has competed in impromptu speaking contests and is a member of the chapter Leadership Team, in which she currently serves as vice president of the Soledad FFA Chapter.

Outside of school, Cisneros-Aguilar is an active member of her local church Our Lady of Solitude, where she helps raise money for their many charitable efforts. She is college bound and hopes to attend either UC Davis, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo or CSU Monterey Bay.   

Gortarez, 17, a senior at Soledad High School, is the daughter of Carlos and Erica Gortarez. She too is an active member of the Soledad FFA Chapter. She is a member of the Chapter’s Livestock Team, raising market sheep for show and sale at the Salinas Valley Fair. She also recently was awarded her Chapter Farmer degree.

Gortarez is currently working toward her second Veterinary Science Certificate at Soledad High School. The education she is receiving in her school’s animals science classes has helped her to focus her passion to care for animals of all sizes. 

When she’s not raising animals for the Salinas Valley Fair, she volunteers at Los Coches Animal Hospital in Soledad. As a volunteer, she has gained valuable on-the-job experience helping with vaccines and surgeries. She aspires to have a career in the animal science field.

Soares, 18, a senior at King City High School, is the daughter of Jason and Dawn Soares of King City. She is a member of the King City Mustang Volleyball team and the Elite 101 Volleyball club.

She has raised and shown market sheep at both the Salinas Valley Fair and San Benito County Fair, the latter of which she has earned weight champion honors for four years straight, proving her ability to select and raise quality livestock.

Soares is an active member of the King City FFA Chapter competing in public speaking contests, opening and closing ceremony contests and is a member of the leadership team.

She has grown up at fairs and rodeos and fondly recalls being named Best Dressed Cowgirl from 2006 to 2010 at the Salinas Rodeo.

Each of the three contestants will be judged on personality (40 percent), scholastic ability (25 percent), poise and appearance (20 percent) and horsemanship (15 percent).

Miss Salinas Valley Fair will be crowned following a barbecue lunch hosted by the King City Rotary on Saturday, March 17, at the Orradre Building in King City. The 2018 Miss Salinas Valley Fair will receive a $2,000 scholarship, sterling silver buckle and many other prizes. 

The Miss Salinas Valley Fair contest is coordinated by Darla Mantel. For more information, call 831-385-3243.

