Helping those in need
Just in time for the holiday season, a new toy donation container has been set up inside the Greenfield Civic Center as part of the annual winter coat drive.
New year means new resolutions
A new year means South Monterey County residents are making resolutions and goals for 2019, among those making New Year’s resolutions include local city officials, high school students, librarians and others.
California condors headed to Central Coast for release in the wild
A group of the Peregrine Fund’s California condors will soon be unfurling their nine-and-a-half-foot wings to soar the skies of central California, but first they have to get from the World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise, Idaho, all the way to central California, where the National Park Service and the Ventana Wildlife Society will release the condors from their respective sites at Pinnacles National Park and in Big Sur.
County hosts open house for new Victim’s Center
Join the Monterey County District Attorney’s Office on Thursday, July 27, from 9 to 11 a.m., 250 Franciscan Way, King City, for an Open House in the newly refurbished District Attorney’s Office, Victim’s Center.
Mower sparks 10-acre fire near Greenfield
South Monterey County Fire District and Cal Fire responded to a call for a vegetation fire June 7 at 11:41 a.m. near the intersection of Arroyo Seco Road and Elm Avenue, south of Greenfield.
South County Animal Rescue hosts first event for dogs
Dogs and their owners took over Front Street and Cesar Chavez Park on Sept. 29 to celebrate the first Dog Days of Summer, sponsored by South County Animal Rescue.
Arroyo Seco Citizens hosts fundraiser Saturday to repair Abbott Lakes pump
The Arroyo Seco Citizens Association (ASCA), a non-profit 501c3 organization, will host a fundraiser Saturday, April 22, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., to repair the pump for Abbott Lakes in Las Padres National Forest.
Republican Women to register voters at Fair
Southern Monterey County Republican Women Federated will be registering voters of all parties at the Pavilion Building, Space No. 10, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., at the Salinas Valley Fair.
4 Cities 4 Peace host Block Party
Four Cities For Peace Block Party brought the community together Aug. 26 to play games and hear stories about South County residents’ road to recovery.