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48.8 F
March 15, 2025

Public meetings to discuss Salinas Valley Recycles’ long-term facility project


SALINAS — The Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority (aka Salinas Valley Recycles) has released a Notice of Preparation stating its intent to produce an Environmental Impact Report under the California Environmental Quality Act for the Long-Term Facility Needs Study project.

Salinas Valley Recycles (SVR), as the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act, is responsible to provide an impartial review of the proposed project.

The Environmental Impact Report is a public document used to analyze the significant environmental effects of a project, to identify alternatives, and to disclose possible ways to reduce or avoid possible environmental effects.

The project is a proposed course of actions to enable SVR to meet increasing state law requirements to achieve maximum diversion of waste going to landfills.

The project involves the potential construction and operation of a permanent transfer station and materials recovery center consisting of one or more facility locations in Monterey County. The project could facilitate the relocation and/or ultimate closure of SVR’s Sun Street Transfer Station in Salinas.

The project would allow for SVR to implement and comply with state law mandates to increase recycling and diversion activities by:

• Substantially reduce solid waste being disposed of at the Johnson Canyon landfill;

• Increasing recycling and reuse of waste materials;

• Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by minimizing haul distances and vehicle miles travelled; and

• Minimizing land use conflicts and environmental impacts; while continuing to provide municipal solid waste recovery and disposal services to the jurisdictions served by SVR.

More information about the proposed project can be found on SVR’s website 

Anyone interested in making comments about possible areas of concern to be included in the Environmental Impact Report is encouraged to attend the public information meetings to be held on the following dates and locations:

• Wednesday, May 10, Gavilan View Middle School, 18250 Van Buren Ave., Salinas

• Wednesday, May 17, Prunedale Grange Hall, 17890 Moro Rd., Salinas

• Wednesday, May 24, Gonzales City Council Chambers, 117 4th St., Gonzales

• Thursday, May 25, Monterey County Free Libraries Marina Branch, 190 Seaside Circle, Marina

All meetings will be held 6 to 7:30 p.m. with Spanish translation services available.

Comments concerning the Notice of Preparation can also be made in writing during the review period ending May 31, using the online Community Feedback Survey available at

A downloadable version of the survey is also available on the website.

