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March 16, 2025

Police Briefs – Published Feb. 28

Note to Readers

Following Police Briefs are obtained from the local police departments. Individuals listed below who have been charged with a crime have not been proven guilty in court.



Feb. 16

9:06 a.m. Traffic stop leads to Driver and two subjects arrested for parole violation, probation, and possession of controlled substance on 10th St.

1:00 p.m. Burglary on 11th St.

5:13 p.m. Parked vehicle was hit on Walnut Ave.

7:44 p.m. Traffic stop for failure to yield on 10th St.

Feb. 17

8:41 a.m. Hit and run sideswipe on Chalone Dr.

11:13 a.m. HMA arrested for possession of paraphernalia, probation violation, and contempt of court order on Pinnacle Av.

2:39 p.m. Outside assistance on Sussex Cr.

5:34 p.m. Car collision on Palm Av.

7:03 p.m. Possession of controlled substance and driving without a license on Oak Av.

11:11 p.m. Domestic battery.

Feb. 18

7:39 a.m. Abandoned vehicle on Hutchinson Dr.

8:09 a.m. Collision on 13th St.

8:40 a.m. Abandoned auto on Maple Av.

11:33 a.m. Fight between two male adults with great bodily injury.

12:42 p.m. Gang contact on 10th St.

Feb. 19

8:02 a.m. Vehicle theft on Elm Av.

11:42 a.m. Domestic Abuse.

2:31 p.m. HMA arrested for sexual intercourse with a HFJ on St. Christopher Ln.

3:43 p.m. Stolen Vehicle on 12th St.

7:11 p.m. Vandalism on Calaveras Wy.

7:41 p.m. DUI on El Camino Real.

11:11 p.m. Found property on El Camino Real.

Feb. 20

8:55 a.m. Tow on S. El Camino Real.

4:15 p.m. Violation of domestic violence restraining order and probation violation on St. Matthew St.

5:46 p.m. Shoplifting on 4th St.

8:23 p.m. Outside assist on Bassett St.

8:32 p.m. Non injury hit and run on 500 block of Walnut Av.

10:03 p.m. Lost property on 5th St.

Feb. 21

8:25 a.m. Juvenile probation violation on S. El Camino Real.

9:07 a.m. Gang graffiti on 5th St.

9:14 a.m. CPS referral made by school alleging possible unsafe living conditions on S. El Camino Real.

9:40 a.m. HMJ arrested for possession of child porn on S. El Camino Real.

11:28 a.m. Vehicle with expired registration on Barolo Cr.

12:19 p.m. HMA was arrested for controlled substance, obstructing duties, destruction of evidence on Oak Av.

12:29 p.m. Animal breeding on 6th St.

12:47 p.m. Possession of controlled substance on S. El Camino Real.

3:36 p.m. Battery on Apple Av.

4:25 p.m. Hit and Run on Palm Av.

Feb. 22

4:24 a.m. Vehicle pulled over for broken headlight on El Camino Real.

9:07 a.m. WMA contacted for welfare check of two dogs locked inside a vehicle on Cherry Av.

11:05 a.m. Failure to care for an animal on Scott Cr.

12:00 p.m. School threats on S. El Camino Real.

12:38 p.m. Suspicious circumstances on Pinnacles Av.

10:47 p.m. Blocking driveway on Riesling Av.


Feb. 14

9:21 a.m. Vandalism to vehicle on Burgundy Wy.

Feb. 15

1:18 p.m. Check fraud on Fourth St.

2:08 p.m. Unattended juveniles on Alta St.

Feb. 16

7:43 a.m. Verbal domestic.

8:04 a.m. Harrassment on Fourth St.

8:04 a.m. Social media post involving a weapon on Fourth St.

9:28 a.m. Physical domestic.

4:42 p.m. Make Ficitious check on Alta St.

Feb. 18

2:20 a.m. DUI on S. Belden St.

4:10 a.m. Tow for vehicle parked more than 72 hours on Rincon Rd.

1:12 p.m. Disturbance on Fairview Dr.

8:54 p.m. Law enforcement traffic stop on Fifth St.

Feb. 19

2:44 a.m. Traffic enforcement stop for moving violation on Iverson Rd.

8:49 a.m. Vandalism on South Belden St.

11:53 p.m. Report of threats on Fourth St.

Feb. 20

9:27 a.m. Juvenile problem on Elko St.

3:04 p.m. Adult female refusing to leave a business on Fifth St.

Feb. 21

11:13 a.m. Violation of probation on Fifth St.

11:48 a.m. Dog bite on Rincon Rd.

3:30 p.m. Past tense vandalism report on Eighth St.

Feb. 22

1:42 p.m. Family quarrel on Colombard Cr.

1:46 p.m. Stolen cell phone on Fourth St.

3:10 p.m. Collections fraud on Burgundy Wy.

Feb. 23

6:37 a.m. Vehicle vs. pedestrian collision on Seventh St.

8:41 p.m. Assault on person on Fifth St.

11:06 p.m. DUI on Alta St.

Feb. 24

12:39 a.m. Traffic violation on Fifth St.

1:37 a.m. Battery on Alta St.

10:29 a.m. Traffic stop for equipment violation on Fifth St.

5:40 p.m. Violation of probation on Alta St.

