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48.8 F
March 14, 2025

New year means new resolutions

SOUTH COUNTY — A new year means South Monterey County residents are making resolutions and goals for 2019, among those making New Year’s resolutions include local city officials, high school students, librarians and others.

King City Mayor Mike LeBarre — “Your council and city administration have worked as a team to implement many positive improvements for a stronger community, a safer city and a local government you can trust. My resolution would be to build on that progress focusing on community, safety and trust. In addition, continue strengthening our relationships with our state and federal representatives to help direct more resources to King City that will enhance our quality of life.”

Greenfield Mayor Lance Walker — “My resolution for 2019 is to be the best mayor possible. To listen to the community and make the right decisions for Greenfield and the residents who live here. Also to be the best person possible, to be healthy, laugh loud and live life long.”

Soledad Mayor Pro Tem Alejandro Chavez — “Professionally, to focus on getting information out to constituents more consistently and in more ways. To hold regular coffee and/or meet-and-greet meetings with the community. Additionally, to work smarter and more efficiently to get better results for our community. Make our community even better. Personally, to have better communication with family, friends and loved ones. Additionally, to eat a bit healthier and work out a bit more. Have more fun with my family and make more memories.”

Gonzales Police Sgt. Juan Mendoza 
— “As a training manager, my resolution is to ensure that officers get proper adequate training to help them continue to build community relations.”

Greenfield Police Chief Denise Oglesby — “New Year’s Day is a fresh start to a new chapter in my life waiting to be written. Personally, my New Year’s resolution is to stick to a good workout plan that will keep me healthy and happy. If I stay disciplined and committed to my workouts, I will be on track to meet my goals. Professionally, my goals are to continue to make the citizens of Greenfield feel safe and connected to their police department. And, to say thank you to those who make this possible.”

Soledad High School senior Rayanne Berlanga — “My resolutions are to grow as a person as I’m graduating high school, and to gain lots of experience out in the real world.”

King City Library Branch Manager Robin Cauntay — “To be more positive.”

Greenfield student Victor Torres — “My New Year’s resolution is to be the best I can.”

Soledad High School senior Andrea Zavala — “To not procrastinate as much as I did last year. I want to be more organized and be on task with my school work.”

Greenfield Mayor Pro Tem Yanely Martinez — “That our city continues to grow with business coming in, providing jobs. Also that our council works as a team supporting one another and making our city thrive.”

King City Librarian Eliza Perez — “To have better health.”

