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48.8 F
March 15, 2025

Arroyo Seco Citizens hosts fundraiser Saturday to repair Abbott Lakes pump


GREENFIELD — The Arroyo Seco Citizens Association (ASCA), a non-profit 501c3 organization, will host a fundraiser Saturday, April 22, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., to repair the pump for Abbott Lakes in Las Padres National Forest.

The location of the fundraiser is the Arroyo Seco Firehouse and Community Center, 46700 Arroyo Seco Road, about 8 miles west of the intersection of Carmel Valley and Arroyo Seco roads. Arroyo Seco lies to the west of Greenfield and encompasses 15 miles west from the Green Bridge on Elm Road and east of Carmel Valley Road.

There will be a barbecue with ribs, chicken, beans, salad and garlic bread for $10. A silent auction will also be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. and includes lots of local donations. Hot dogs are free for youth.

Abbott Lakes consist of the Upper and Lower Lakes at the Los Padres National Forest Campground in Arroyo Seco, Calif. They are natural lakes that were enhanced by the Civilian Conservation Corps in 1939. The Upper Lake (5 acres) feeds the Lower Lake (7 acres) and are adjacent to campgrounds and fed from a pump that brings water from the Arroyo Seco River below.

The pump was originally installed in the 1950s by the Monterey County Sportsman’s Club to encourage fishing and hiking in the area. Wildlife abounds in the area and it’s not uncommon to see White Tailed Deer and other animals drinking from the waters. The report on the restoration of the lakes took over 15 years to write and get approvals from the multiple agencies involved. The report was completed two years ago — the decision on the plan of action wasn’t completed until October 2015 — and unfortunately, funding was an issue.

The ASCA has stepped forward out of concern for need of possible fire suppression and quality of life issues and has offered to repair or upgrade the pump. In addition, special screens will be needed to protect the endangered Steelhead in the Arroyo Seco River.

There will be restrictions as to when the pump can operate. With luck and support, the association hopes to have the pump operational as soon as the U.S. Forestry and California Fish and Game will allow.

For membership questions, go to the ASCA Facebook page or call Dee Heckman, 831-674-3254.

